Support of start-ups and new businesses


Company Building | Consulting  |  M&A  |   Financing  |  Change   |   Management


Health is the new Wealth

Healthcare and life science is a mega trend and will change our way of life and create numerous opportunities for new business models and groundbreaking ventures. 


We are looking for founders and startups who want to improve healthcare with their solutions. Do you share this vision? Are you working on a digital solution in prevention, diagnosis or therapy?

We provide

We provide advice and coaching by experienced industry experts and professionals.

We support

We are an active and hands-on investor and provide strong support to our management teams.

We enable

We enable companies through using our extensive health network.

Our Approach

We serve as senior management in our investments, driving business and product development strategy. Our team brings extensive, complementary experience both as investors and senior operating executives at life sciences and health companies, with responsibilities that spanned discovery, pre-clinical and clinical development, business development, finance and executive management. We have worked together in both investment and corporate environments over the course of more than 25 years.

Our Passion

Health is our passion and we want to enable people living a healthier life and taking responsibility for a healthier common world. Together for a healthier life!


"The advances in health and medicine in our near future will be among the most significant of all the new game-changing developments. And thanks to rising connectivity, an even wider range of people will benefit than at any other time in history. Improvements disease-detection and treatment, the management of medical records and personal-health monitoring promise more equitable access to health care and health information for potentially billions more people when we factor in the spread of digital technology.
Especially phones will help also in poorer countries to enable the education, health care and security.“


The New Digital Age, Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen



Strategie für den Life Science Standort Tirol


Die Standortagentur Tirol GmbH ist eine Einrichtung des Landes Tirol mit dem Ziel, den Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsstandort Tirol zu stärken. Im vergangenen Jahr 2021 siedelten sich mit Unterstützung der Standortagentur Tirol insgesamt 31 Unternehmen in Tirol an, knapp die Hälfte davon ist in den Bereichen Life Sciences, Alpintechnologien und Digitalisierung aktiv. Tirol hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Standort bis 2030 im Bereich Gesundheitsindustrie und Life Science hin ins europäische Spitzenfeld zu entwickeln. In strategischen Workshops mit allen relevanten Stakeholder:innen wurde der Weg von dieser Idee zur Realisierung erörtert und gemeinsam entwickelt.



Life Science Tirol, Tirols Wirtschaftslandesrat Anton Mattle informierte in München bayerische Unternehmen

über den Wirtschaftsstandort Tirol, gemeinsam mit Cornelia Beier (CB One Holding) und Andreas Haidenthaler

(AußenwirtschaftsCenter München)

Bildnachweis: Standortagentur Tirol





Personal Blog "The Healthy Style" Cornelia Beier -

Balancing health, lifestyle, business and ethics.

Social Media Plattformen – wie Plattformen uns Raum und Zeit vergessen lassen 

 Neue Apple-Kampagne zum Thema Gesundheitsdaten – wann wachen wir endlich auf?  

Serie: Künstliche Intelligenz in der medizinischen Forschung 

Zukunftsinstitut: Gesundheitsmärkte mit großen Zukunftspotenzial 

Nicolas Visiers Würth On How We Need To Adjust To The Future Of Work 

Our social media- and start-up consulting company:

Czech Republic | Prague:

CB1 capital consulting s.r.o. 

Truhlářská 1107/7

110 00 Praha 1


Austria | Vienna:

CB one Holding GmbH

c/o Binder Grösswang, Sterngasse 13

A-1010  Vienna 


Germany | Munich

take care consulting GmbH

Lucille-Grahn-Sr. 46

81675 Munich